Meet The Organization Trying To Make Sure New Yorkers In Need Get Fed

With the Covid-19 pandemic over the past 2 years, people have been home a lot more, and while restaurants and other businesses had to close their doors for a while, it forced people to have to rely on themselves for their food lot more.
As someone that grew up in a lower-income household, we had to rely on our public school’s reduced lunch program during the school year, and my mother was very good at stretching money to feed me, my 6 siblings, and the daycare kids she took care of during the summers growing up.
One major thing no one should have to worry about is where their next meal is coming from. But the past 2 years especially people have been worried about how they are going to feed themselves and their families.
One New York charity is trying its best to help fed people in need, and it’s called EV Loves NYC.
“We started our grassroots organization in the midst of the pandemic to provide emergency food services to those hardest hit by COVID,” their website states.
“We are all New Yorkers, so we know the importance of having each other’s backs. Every week, our team of fearless volunteers gets together at our headquarters located at the Sixth Street Community Center in the East Village to cheerfully prepare thousands of hearty and healthy meals.”
“These are delivered to fellow New Yorkers in need throughout the city. We are dynamic, efficient and effective, and we can prepare a healthy meal for around 80 cents.”
“We stand for food equality and strive to bring tasty delights to those who need them most, with a wider aim is to build bridges between the various communities of New York City, uniting areas that are often segregated.”
Like most organizations, the current economy has been tough on this non-profit.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
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So they organized a GoFundMe, to help make sure that they can keep helping New Yorkers struggling with food insecurities.
“This year has been super tough for our organization and we’re not sure we are going to make it through the next few weeks,” they explained on the GoFundMe page.
“So we want to take a few minutes to share the current climate with you and see if you are willing to help.”
They went on to address the current economic situation; what used to cost them 80 cents now costs them 2 dollars and 20 cents to make the exact same meal.
Apparently, New York City has also canceled all of its food insecurity programs because they have run out of budget, and a lot of people are going hungry without those programs.
In my hometown and the surrounding areas, there are food pantries and reduced food support programs that provide lower-income houses with affordable healthy options.
There’s a program called Ruby’s Pantry that once a month holds a drive-through food pick-up for people that need the extra support.
There are no requirements besides 25 dollars per family that helps keep the pantry going. At least 200 or more families use this program to help keep themselves and their families fed.
Organizations like Everyone Loves NYC need people able to donate to help them.
Even if it’s just a couple of extra dollars that you were going to use for a coffee, that 5 dollars could feed someone 2 meals.
Their final message on the Go Fund Me page was this, “If you can support us in any way- large or small- you will be contributing to more than just feeding someone.”
“You’ll be supporting a belief that we can turn things around and make our world a better place by just showing up and doing the right thing when it’s needed.”
To read about their mission and help support them you can visit their website and the GoFundMe.
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