She Believes Her Friend Sent Her A Sign After Passing Away And TikTok Has Chills

Have you ever lost someone close to you and felt like they were sending you a sign?

One TikToker named Madyson recently shared her own very similar experience.

After losing one of her close friends, Madyson and the rest of her friend group went to hang out on a New York City pier they would always go to together.

“Keep in mind that we live in New York City, so there is a lot of light pollution, and you cannot see the stars at all,” Madyson prefaced.

But, that night, the group all noticed this miraculously bright star in the sky. And one of Madyson’s friends, Jessie, decided to do some digging.

“Jessie researched it and found out that the light was not a star– it was actually the planet Jupiter,” Madyson explained.

But, after learning that fun fact and thinking it might be her friend sending her a sign, nothing really happened.

That was until a few days later when Madyson and her friend group took a bus to Virginia together to attend the funeral service.

After their long bus ride, Madyson’s friend’s brother picked up the group.

TikTok; pictured above is Madyson in her video

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He asked what music they wanted to listen to during the car ride, and the whole group said they did not care.

Instead, they told the brother to shuffle his playlist. He warned the group that he had thousands of songs and had no clue what would come on.

But, they went through with it, and something strange happened.

“The first song that came on was ‘Drops of Jupiter’ by Train,” Madyson said.

But, the signs did not stop there. The next song was by Kendrick Lamar.

And while this tune might seem irrelevant, it has a line that says, “I can feel your energy from two planets away.”

“In that moment, we researched it, and two planets away from us is Jupiter,” Madyson said.

Since the group’s realization, each person got a Jupiter tattoo in honor of their passed friend. And Madyson’s heartwarming story has blown up on TikTok.

Her video received over five hundred and forty thousand views, nearly two hundred thousand likes, and tons of comments in which users shared their responses to her experience.

“This gave me CHILLS!” wrote one commenter.

“What a beautiful story. I love this so much,” commented another user.

“This is absolutely amazing; no doubt she is still with you all,” agreed a third.

Do you believe in signs? Have you ever received one?

To watch Madyson’s original TikTok, visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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