Her Boyfriend Bought Underwear From Victoria’s Secret For A Woman Who Works For Him And He Insists It’s Because She Needed A Change Of Clothes At Work

KirichaiE - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
KirichaiE - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 26-year-old woman has a 27-year-old boyfriend who works inside of a call center, and he’s part of their management team.

A day ago while her boyfriend was at work, he says that one of the women that works for him had some kind of accident and ended up staining her dress.

Her dress and underwear were ruined in the accident, and he told her that she could run out of the office and head to a nearby store to replace her clothing.

“He saw that she was taking long, so he called her and she said that her card wasn’t working,” she explained.

“He then met her at the store (Victoria’s Secret) and paid for her because he badly needed her back on the phones.”

“This happened yesterday but he’s just now telling me. He told me he didn’t tell me yesterday because he didn’t want to ruin our trip we’re going on tomorrow.”

“But he finally told me today because it was weighing on him. I’m so upset and conflicted. We are working on reconciling our relationship and this feels like a betrayal even though I know he was left with no other options.”

Since she does not share her finances with her boyfriend, she had no way of seeing what he had charged to his credit card that day.

He insists the purchase was only underwear and loungewear for her to change into.

KirichaiE – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Do you think it sounds like her boyfriend is completely telling her the truth, and that he really did go out of his way to try to do something nice for this woman who works for him?

Or do you think it sounds completely fishy that her boyfriend went to meet this woman at Victoria’s Secret to pay for her purchases, including underwear?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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