She Got Up And Left Her Boyfriend In The Middle Of A Restaurant After He Said No To Paying For Her Dinner

NDABCREATIVITY - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
NDABCREATIVITY - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A couple of weeks back, a girl let her boyfriend borrow money from her so he could use it for something he did need.

As soon as she forked the money over to him, he swore that he would make sure to pay her back as soon as he could.

Well, weeks have gone by, and her boyfriend has still not returned the money that he borrowed from her.

She’s been doing her best to remain calm while waiting for him to pay her, but it certainly is irritating to have so many days go by without him fulfilling his promise to her.

Two evenings ago, she and her boyfriend made plans to meet up with a couple of their friends to have dinner at a restaurant.

Unfortunately, on her way home from work that night and right before heading out to dinner, she got robbed on the bus.

All of her credit cards and money were stolen from her right then and there. She did call her bank, but they were unable to get her a new credit card as the banks had already closed down for the day.

There she was, left with no money and about to meet up with her friends. She did go to the restaurant with her boyfriend and friends, and she asked her boyfriend if he could pay for her dinner as she didn’t have money.

Since he did owe her money, she thought it wouldn’t be a problem for him to pick up her tab just this once.

NDABCREATIVITY – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Her boyfriend told her not to worry, so she assumed that meant that he would happily pay for her food that night.

“As we ordered, he only ordered for himself and told me that he can’t cover for mine at the moment, so I better not order anything and just have some bites from his meal,” she explained.

“I was so mad and frustrated because he had promised to give me back the money, he then claimed something came up and couldn’t give them back but then ordered a nice meal for himself and just told me to get his scraps because he wouldn’t pay me back or at least for my meal.”

“I’d be the only one sitting there with no meal in front of me. I said this is ridiculous, and I got up and left.”

She left the restaurant, and all of her friends think that what she did was a pretty mean thing to do to her boyfriend.

Her friends expected her to be nice and say nothing while sitting through dinner without any food in front of her.

She’s confused as to why her friends think that she’s terrible for leaving her boyfriend in the middle of the restaurant.

Do you agree with her friends?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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