She Went Viral For Recording A Surprising Conversation Two Guys Were Having About Dating And Women

A woman has gone viral on TikTok for anonymously recording a conversation two men were having about dating.

Erin (@erinstagram) was sitting in a booth at a restaurant when she heard two men at the table behind her say some pretty interesting things about what they prefer when it comes to dating women.

Erin decided to set up her phone so that the camera was facing her so that viewers can hear the men’s voices but not see their faces.

One guy expressed how he doesn’t like to take girls out on dinner dates because of how expensive they can be.

“I just started doing coffee instead,” he says. “That’s like a $5 commitment for 15 minutes.”

Erin’s TikTok ended up receiving over 3 million views and 447,000 likes. People on the app found it to be very controversial.

Some loved listening in on the two guys and their conversation. 

“He’s not wrong,” commented one user. “But his tone tells me everything I need to know.”

TikTok; pictured above is Erin in her video

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“What’s wrong with coffee as a first date? I think it’s brilliant,” commented another user.

This led to Erin making a response video with more footage from that day. She starts off her second video with some more context about the conversation.

Erin explains that she started recording the men because before the comments were made about a coffee date, they discussed the “bare minimum” requirements they have for their future partner.

They want their future lady to have her own place to live and her own car. That may not sound too unreasonable.

But then, one of the men said that his dream woman must have a good credit score.

The video then cuts to one of the men saying, “The only reason why I say credit is because Lord knows my credit isn’t good.”

The man then goes on to explain that the only reason he is living in his current home is that his wife had a good credit score!

If he has a wife, why is he talking about going on coffee dates? So many unanswered questions.

Although most TikTok users who watched Erin’s videos were getting a kick out of the conversation, some were unhappy with her for posting the video without the guy’s permission.

“Stop eavesdropping,” commented one user.

“Yes, these men are garbage, but get a life and stop recording conversations that you are not a part of,” commented another user.

Overall, listening to the conversation did not give some female viewers much confidence when discussing the dating pool.

“I’m not about to let a dude ruin my credit score and move into the house that I own,” commented one user. “Nope.”

“I’m never leaving the house,” commented another user.

To view Erin’s original TikTok video, visit the link here.

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