Someone Stole Everything This Young Couple Owned While They Were On Their Way To Start Their New Life In New York

From recent experience, I know how hard it is to move everything you own to a new home you share with your partner.

Luckily for me, it was just a couple of blocks away from I was originally living. Some people aren’t as lucky. Things get lost, broken, forgotten, or even stolen in the process of moving everything.

One couple had their world flipped upside down when someone stole everything they owned while they were packing.

“Our lives were flipped upside down the night before we were set to begin our new life together in New York,” a woman named Grace explained on a GoFundMe page.

“All of our belongings — everything we owned and accumulated over 30 years — was stolen when someone broke into and drove off with the Uhaul packed with our entire lives in front of our apartment building in downtown Kansas City.”

Grace and Trey were all set to move to New York City from Kansas City to begin the next stage of their lives together.

Grace is going to start teaching in a charter school in Harlem, and Trey will be a Senior Writer at Fortune Magazine.

Grace has also been accepted to a Master’s program at Columbia University for education policy.

GoFundMe; pictured above are Grace and Trey

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I can’t imagine losing all the books, hobby items, clothes, and other precious things I’ve collected over my life in a moment of someone else’s greed.

“The Uhaul, which we were planning to drive halfway across the country, was full of all the furniture, clothing, books, records, art, kitchen appliances, and personal documents we’ve invested money, time, and heart into curating at this stage of our young adult lives,” Grace continued.

“While we’re still excited, we’re now faced with building our new home from nothing.”

Just imagine how hard and time-consuming moving across the country is. I can imagine just how upsetting losing family heirlooms and all of your belongings can be.

They have a GoFundMe page set up and are grateful for anyone able and willing to help them.

“We know we’ll never be able to replace Grace’s keepsake box that held countless memories in letters and pictures or the records, photos, and dashiki Trey’s father passed down when he died, but we just hope to be able to restore some sense of normalcy to our lives as we look ahead to creating new memories,” Grace said.

So far, 209 people have donated money to help Grace and Trey start their new lives in New York City. Of their $25,000 goal, they have raised $21,660. That’s an amazing testament to the generosity of strangers and friends.

Several people gave words of support as well as donated what they could. One person said, “Someone has to be really desperate to steal sentimental keepsakes. I hope this small gift helps. And I wish you good luck on your new adventure.”

Another shared, “I can’t express how sorry I am for your hardship, but I hope this, along with all the love that surrounds you, carries you where you need to go. Wishing you both absolutely nothing but the best.”

You can look at the original GoFundMe post here.

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