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She’s Been Seeing A Guy Who Just Questioned Her About How Much Money Is Sitting In Her Bank Account

Suzi Media - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A girl has started seeing this guy lately that she really does have an interest in. Their first date was lovely; he was kind to her, he showed up with a dozen roses, and he paid for their date too.

On their next couple of dates, he even continued paying for her, and she thought he seemed like a really genuine guy.

At this point, they’re a month into dating each other.

She learned that he is financially stable enough to afford his own place, and he’s in training for a new career, but things with this guy still seem “off” to her.

She thinks a couple of things that this guy has said and done are red flags, and she has a few examples to share.

The first thing that makes her feel weird about him is that he has already professed that he loves her, yet they have only known one another for about 4 weeks.

He then insisted that he was “broke” before claiming he was teasing her, and that wasn’t true. He mentioned after that being poor to her again, without adding that he was joking about it that time.

The third thing he did that gave her pause was that he straight up questioned her about how much money was sitting in her bank account.

She did not reply to this super rude question, but he happily did, and he revealed how much money he has saved.

Suzi Media – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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