Someone Asked This Server To Spit In Their Food And After They Refused, The Customer Wanted To See Their Manager

Mitchell Todd (@mitchii.moo) was having a busy day as a server in a restaurant when they received one of the most bizarre requests from a customer.
It was so bad that in order to explain the story in a video for TikTok, they had to film on the emptiest street they could find to dodge embarrassment.
“I think I’ve found a street unpopulated enough to tell this story because it would be so weird to overhear some of the things I’m about to say,” says Mitchell at the start of their video.
The crazy day started with a slow bunch shift. Suddenly, a handsome man came into the restaurant.
Mitchell noticed how attractive he was and explains that he was being a little flirty toward the man.
Mitchell was smiling extra hard and got the vibe that this man was responding well to the extra attention.
Mitchell carries on with their shift and takes his order. The man orders three chimichangas. Mitchell brought them to his table and noticed that he hadn’t touched them after a couple of minutes. When Mitchell asked if everything was alright, things got weird.
While looking a little embarrassed, the man told Mitchell that he has a “weird request.”
TikTok; pictured above is Mitchell
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He then said, “I was just wondering if you would like, spit in my food?”
Mitchell could have sworn that they had misheard the man. So they asked, “I’m sorry, you think someone spit in your food? What was that?”
But the man clarified that he wanted Mitchell, specifically Mitchell, to spit in his food.
Mitchell was still in complete shock, but the man still wanted it!
After explaining to the man that they could get fired if they were to spit in his food, as most servers would, the man asked to talk to Mitchell’s manager.
Mitchell was somewhat relieved at the request, wanting to hand off this problem to their manager.
However, the only manager that was available at that time was one who truly believes that “the customer is always right” and often values the customer experience over anything else.
After the manager spoke to the customer for a while, he walked over to Mitchell and told them to “just do it.” That it was no big deal. Unbelievable!
The manager also mentioned that the creepy customer was willing to give Mitchell a big tip for the nasty side of saliva.
So much was going through Mitchell’s head, including the fact that the staff pools their tips at the end of the day, and this guy only ordered one item, so the big tip would not make that much of a difference.
But Mitchell’s boss did tell them to do it.
So Mitchell walked over to the guy’s table, explained that they were only going to do it because their boss told them to, and let out the tiniest amount of spit over the man’s plate.
But according to the customer, it was not enough. Gross!
The customer encouraged Mitchell to “hock it up,” and despite the intense disgust, they did.
“I do it,” says Mitchell. “I spit on his chimichanga.”
However, that still wasn’t enough! Poor Mitchell had to do it two more times. One for each chimichanga.
The customer was finally satisfied as Mitchell, who was a little worse for wear, walked away.
Mitchell then watched the man “inhale” his food, leaving an almost perfectly clean plate. He tipped $100 that Mitchell eventually got to keep after talking to the manager and walked out.
The story does not end there!
A few hours later, the restaurant received a call from their general manager and PR rep, who were furious.
As it turns out, the man left a review on Yelp, writing that the staff “will spit on your food on command.”
He also named the manager, who was subsequently fired on the spot! Luckily, Mitchell’s name was not mentioned in the review.
“So, I got $100, and my least favorite manager got fired today,” says Mitchell at the end of their video. “Could be worse, I guess.”
To view the original TikTok video, visit the link here.
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