Her Boyfriend Shamed Her About Her Weight In Front Of Her Entire Family

Volodymyr Shcerbak - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Volodymyr Shcerbak - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 28-year-old woman has a 35-year-old boyfriend who negatively talks about her weight when it’s just the two of them.

He never brought up the topic of her weight in front of other people. Although she has always done her best to brush off her boyfriend’s hurtful words, his behavior is escalating.

In addition to constantly shaming her about her weight, he’s increasingly becoming angry with her over minor things.

She’s beginning to question their relationship over that, as it’s like he was this wonderful guy at the start of them dating, and now he’s turning into a nightmare.

Not too long ago she and her boyfriend were spending time with her family. She was having a conversation with her sister about job interviews that she has coming up, and she joked about how she should tell potential employers that she has 3 children to provide for, so maybe they would pay her more.

Her kids are really fur babies, and she meant it as a joke, yet her boyfriend was incredibly insulted by her words.

Her entire family could then hear her boyfriend fat shame her while he said that she could eat “enough for 3 people.”

He also called her ugly, all in the same breath, and she couldn’t believe it.

“I was caught off guard because now he’s saying it where my family can hear it,” she explained. “He does not work. He has not had a job in 3 years.”

Volodymyr Shcerbak – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“I stopped bringing it up because he goes into a rage. Every time there’s a disagreement, he calls me names, yells at me, tells me to get out of the place that I pay for, and sometimes he throws things at me.”

“I am seriously thinking about an exit. My self-worth and self-esteem have dropped since being with him for over 2 years.”

Her relationship with her boyfriend never improves; it only gets uglier and uglier. If that’s not awful enough, her boyfriend has not once let her meet his friends or family members over the years.

Now, on the topic of her weight, she already booked an appointment to have weight loss surgery in just 2 months.

“I have done everything I could to keep this guy happy and unemployed,” she said. “I hate that I became a desperate loser.”

Doesn’t it sound like she should kick this guy to the curb and find someone who can appreciate her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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