
This Is How Quickly Popular Pet Influencers Can Pay Off The Average U.S. Mortgage Using Just A Few Instagram Posts

So, can you really pay off a mortgage using pet-fluencing? The answer is yes. In the United States, the average mortgage is about one hundred and ninety-two thousand dollars.

In turn, Jiffpom could pay off that entire mortgage in only seven Instagram posts. Wild, right? Nala Cat comes in second, needing only seventeen Instagram posts, and Doug the Pug is not far behind with eighteen posts.

Even Juniper the Fox and Mr. Pokee can make it happen, too. Juniper would only need to post twenty-four times, while Mr. Pokee could pay it off after thirty-eight posts.

The report also ranked tons of other pet influencers and their earnings, including chameleons, pigs, raccoons, ponies, and more. To check out their salaries and mortgage pay-off ranking, you can view the complete list linked here.

Would you ever consider pet-fluencing? While every furry friend may not make it big, it might be worth a shot.

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