This Woman Was Furious Her Half-Brother And Nephew Wore Lilac Two Days After Her Wedding Because It Was The Bridal Party’s Color

armina - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
armina - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A twenty-eight-year-old woman was recently gearing up for her wedding and wanted everything to go perfectly.

She had a very particular vision of her big day in mind and did not want any of her guests to throw it for a loop.

So, in an effort to ensure everything went smoothly, the woman sent out a mood board for her wedding.

She wanted all of the attendees to adhere to a specific color palette made up of pastels. The only pastel color that was completely off-limits was lilac since that was the bridal party’s dress color.

All of the guests obliged, but the woman’s half-brother did reach out with a question.

He explained how he had already picked out a lilac outfit for his seven-year-old son to wear to the wedding and asked if he could be the exception. The bride very plainly said no, and her half-brother agreed.

Eventually, the wedding came, and it went exactly according to plan.

“It was wonderful; everything looked perfect,” the woman said.

And even though the event was not a destination wedding, many of the woman’s family members stayed in the area for a few extra days– including her half-brother.

armina – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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It was during the following days after the wedding when the woman learned of her half-brother’s tradition with his son.

“I found out they have a father-son tradition which I thought was weird. They would dress up super formal and fancy, then just go to regular places– normally to eat,” the woman said.

Her half-brother and son decided to do the same tradition two days after the wedding, but the woman had a massive issue with it.

“I assumed they were going to wear their wedding clothes because it would have been stupid to pack formal clothes just for this. But, when I saw them getting ready to go, my half-brother and his son were in these matching lilac dresses,” the woman explained.

Even though her wedding was completely over, she was furious. The woman asked her half-brother why his son was wearing lilac, and the brother explained how his son was disappointed he did not get to wear his lilac outfit at the wedding.

So, the brother promised his son that if he wore a different outfit to the wedding, they would do their tradition in lilac a couple of days later.

“I got upset and told him that I said no lilac. He said that he knew and that the wedding was over. But no matter how I explained it, he just did not understand that he was undermining me,” the woman said. Yikes.

Her half-brother ended up leaving after the woman told him to “make sure” he took no pictures. Now, she is considering if she was “a bit rude.”

Do you think this woman was completely out of line trying to dictate their post-wedding outfits? Do color palette rules end once the ceremony and reception are over?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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