Her Friends Humiliated Her At A Buffet When They Went Out To Eat Together, And She Never Wants To See Any Of Them Again

TravelMedia - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
TravelMedia - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A young woman has forever been what she refers to as the “fat friend” in her group.

Although she has never been big enough to be referred to as obese, she’s been about a size 10 or 12, while the rest of her friends have been between sizes 4 and 6.

She’s doing her best to lose weight, and her hard work is absolutely paying off for her.

“I joined a sports club with my insanely fit boyfriend, I work out hard 15 hours a week,” she explained.

“I am obsessed, and I love it so much, it’s hard, but I don’t care. I now eat way more than what I usually do, and the weight is falling off. I feel like a teenage boy with my current diet and activity levels.”

Her friends are all very aware of her weight loss journey, and they also know that she has been going to the gym a lot.

Although her friends know about these healthy changes that she has incorporated into her life, they believe she’s been eating far less than she normally does, and that’s been the reason behind her weight loss.

Not too long ago, her friends invited her out to dinner with them, and they wanted to go to a very particular place.

“They invited me to a new buffet and encouraged me to have a cheat day,” she said. “I haven’t seen them in person for a while, so I was very excited to show my progress to them.”

TravelMedia – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“I don’t have cheat days as I genuinely need to eat way too much now, but I relented.”

Earlier that day, before meeting up with her friends, she did not eat breakfast so she could be prepared for splurging.

She also thought it would be a good idea to go through a tougher workout so she could be in the best place to fill up on foods she normally doesn’t eat.

Finally, it came time to meet her friends at the buffet. They got food together, and as she sat down to eat with them, she did end up eating a lot of food.

She saw that her friends were not eating much on their plates, but they began getting up to grab other foods for her to eat.

“I could see them giggling among themselves and watching me, I could clearly see what they were trying to do,” she continued.

“They went up and got more but were full and gave it to me as they didn’t want to waste it. They started talking about how they were so glad they didn’t diet as they couldn’t do what I do.”

“How I was so lucky for this ‘cheat day’ and how much I must have enjoyed eating real food for a change.”

“Then they started to make fun of how I ate. I ate a lot, but it wasn’t an obnoxious amount. Let me tell you, I was so embarrassed. I left early crying.”

She’s still feeling humiliated by her friends, and she doesn’t understand why they treated her like this.

If any of her friends were on a weight loss journey, she would have stood up to be their biggest cheerleader, and she would never have dreamed of doing what they all did to her.

She thinks her friends are happy with her being bigger than them, and they are actively trying to sabotage her hard work on herself.

“I don’t want to talk to them ever again,” she added. “How do I even face them after this?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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