
His Daughter Is Unsure About What She Wants To Study In University, So He Revised His Terms For Her College Fund 

He was hesitant about this, though, and remembered how much money he had wasted for the same reason.

“I was unsure of what I wanted to do when I went to a four-year and ended up taking classes I did not need and spent time making up classes that I should have been taking years before. I don’t want her to be in that same situation,” he recalled.

So, he made a tough call and decided that if she wanted to go to a four-year university, that would be fine. However, he told his daughter that he would not be paying for it.

On the other hand, if she is able to decide what she wants to study, he will gladly pay for it. Plus, if she just wanted some more time to think everything over, that was totally okay with him, too.

He is actually in no rush to push her out of the nest and underscored that the college fund money is not going anywhere.

Nonetheless, his daughter became really upset with these options. She kept begging for him to pay for a university even though she did not have a plan, but he did not cave.

Instead, he just reassured her that he loved her and ended the conversation there. His wife also agrees with him but is a bit more sympathetic to his daughter’s hopes of attending a big university with other young adults her age.

So now, he is unsure if basically making her college fund come with a “terms and conditions” clause was the wrong thing to do.

Do you think that his options are reasonable? Would you do the same thing as a parent? Would you do the same thing as a parent? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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