
His Youngest Son Made Fun Of His Older Son’s First Car, So He Called Him Spoiled And Now The Whole Family Is Mad At Him

Maridav - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Back in the day, this man had two sons with his first wife– who are now twenty-six and twenty-one years old. But, he got divorced and remarried to his current wife.

His wife already had a daughter, who is now twenty-one. And after they got married, the couple also had a child together– a son who is now fifteen. So now, they have four children altogether.

In his previous marriage, though, he and his ex-wife struggled a lot financially. They lived paycheck to paycheck while raising their two sons– but especially struggled while raising their elder son.

Nonetheless, after they established themselves professionally a bit more, they were able to afford a more luxurious lifestyle.

Still, though, both of the children remembered what it was like to grow up with less than others.

And now, his stepdaughter from his current marriage is also very aware of how expensive things are and makes sure she is appreciative of everything she gets.

He and his wife’s son together, though, has grown up in a very different living situation. Since they are both doing very well in their careers, the parents have been able to give their son a lot.

“I am talking expensive gaming systems, software, a telescope, binoculars, high-end cameras, expensive trips, a fancy bike, and the list just goes on and on,” he recalled.

Treating their son to nicer items had never been much of an issue in the past, either, until just two days ago– when he began acting pretty stuck up.

Maridav – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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