
She Does Not Want Her Husband To Have Access To Her Inheritance Because He’s Terrible With Money

gzorgz - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman sadly lost her mother last year, and ever since then, she has been working to finalize her mother’s inheritance distribution. But now, in just a few weeks, that whole process will finally be over.

Instead of being happy about putting that stress behind her, though, she has been forced to worry about her husband. More specifically, whether or not she should allow him access to her inheritance once it is distributed.

Apparently, for the past six months, her husband has been window shopping for a myriad of items that they had no way of affording.

“He would have to use credit or save up for weeks or months. A person can wish for stuff or want to work towards a treat for themselves. But he has not made an effort to save up for these expensive purchases,” she explained.

Rather, her husband has been badgering her for updates on the estate proceedings. He has asked numerous times how much longer it will take for the money to come in, and even if she knows about how much money they would be receiving.

And up until this point, she has given him very little information. After all, things can still change. On top of that, her husband is apparently not the most responsible person when it comes to money.

In fact, she has managed their finances full-time for the past three years. And she ended up taking it over out of necessity after her husband repeatedly sabotaged their financial goals and went way over budget on too many occasions.

She also has big plans for her inheritance. She wants to use half of it to move her family into a house; meanwhile, she plans to save about forty percent of it to put toward her children’s future– for example, college tuition, graduation gifts, their first cars, and things like that.

Finally, she wants to save the remaining ten percent as a small emergency fund– which is a luxury she had never been able to save up for before because of her husband.

gzorgz – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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