
Her Boyfriend Cheated On Her With Her Neighbor That She’s Known Since She Was A Kid, And Then Her Boyfriend Left Her For This Girl

Alessandro Biascioli - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 23-year-old girl met her 25-year-old boyfriend online, and they instantly had a connection. It was as if she and her boyfriend had known one another all their lives.

A month after dating her boyfriend, he made things official and put the girlfriend/boyfriend label on their relationship.

He also at that time said that he loved her, so she asked him if he would like to move in with her. Although things were moving quickly, it all was like “a fairytale” to her.

Over the last couple of weeks, though, a girl who happens to be her neighbor has been coming to her house a ton to smoke with her boyfriend.

She doesn’t smoke, but her neighbor and her boyfriend do, and that initially wasn’t a problem for her since she figured they were just friends.

“I’ve known my neighbor since we were kids, and my mom always told me not to hang with her cause she got around a lot, so I’ve never been fond of her,” she explained, and her boyfriend was aware that she didn’t like her neighbor too much.

“I didn’t think anything of it, but my other neighbors were warning me in a joking way, “watch out for her; she’s going to take your man.” I had a lot of trust in this man for some reason, so I never would’ve thought he’d do this to me.”

So, as she kept on dating her boyfriend, she realized that he came with a lot of baggage. There was a lot of death in his life, he was not happy, he was depressed, he drank too much, and he was clearly depressed.

Also, he had a kid with his wife and had not yet filed for divorce. She found it easy to look past all of that, though, as she really did love him.

Alessandro Biascioli – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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