
His Wife Went Under The Knife For A Mommy Makeover 4 Months Ago And Has Since Put On Some Weight So He’s Concerned

Izabela Magier - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 40-year-old man is married to his 38-year-old wife, and 4 months ago, his wife went under the knife for a mommy makeover.

He never felt that his wife needed to have any work done, but he was fully supportive of her decision to go through with this.

His wife really, really wanted to have the surgery done, and he was only concerned with her happiness, so he said to go ahead, even though he thought she was great the way she was.

This past June, his wife did go through with everything, and she got fat transfers to her hip dips and boops, as well as 360 lipo and a tummy tuck.

“The surgery cost an ungodly amount of money and left her bedridden and in pain for the entire summer,” he explained.

“Before the surgery, she weighed around 165, and she stands 5’9”. Now, three months after the surgery, she is no longer in pain and has no restrictions on what she can do. She weighed herself today, and she is at 189. Much of the contouring and flattening of the surgery has been undone.”

“The issue is this: my wife is extremely frugal. She agonizes over every dime she spends and feels guilty for it. It took her ten years to talk herself into spending the money on the surgery. I think the weight gain and the loss of her post-operative figure is sending her into a spiral of anxiety and depression.”

He has attempted to kindly discuss this with her on two separate occasions, but each time that he tried, she instantly became livid with him.

Both times he expressed his concerns led to the worst arguments he’s had with her in the 19 years that they have been married to one another.

Izabela Magier – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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