
She Called Her Brother A Pathetic Excuse For A Dad And Compared Him To Their Own Absent Father

svetograph - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman and her brother, Tom, apparently grew up with a “deadbeat” father who never wanted to raise them and ended up running off to avoid paying child support.

And now, she believes that Tom is following in her father’s unfortunate footsteps.

“Tom is barely around for his own kids. Yet, he expects to be praised and hailed as the world’s greatest father for providing the bare minimum,” she explained.

For context, Tom is divorced from his ex-wife, Rose, but has two kids– Kim, who is nineteen, and Liz, who is seventeen. However, he does not step up to the plate to help Rose out with parenting at all.

One example of this is how Tom constantly expects Rose to schedule their children’s events and appointments, and he needs Rose to constantly remind him of those events, or else he just won’t show up.

So, Rose will go out of her way to tell Tom about an appointment or event via email weeks in advance. Rose also sends Tom follow-up reminders both one week and one day before each event.

Remarkably, though, Tom always claims to “forget” and actually ends up blaming Rose for being irresponsible.

“It would take ten seconds for Rose to shoot me a text. She knows I don’t check my email every day!” Tom reportedly always says.

Plus, Tom has reminders set on his phone, but for whatever reason, he cannot be bothered to get a calendar app and keep track of his kids’ functions.

svetograph – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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