
He Told His Current Girlfriend About How He Body-Shamed His Previous Ex, And Now His Girlfriend Wants To Break Up With Him

“Looking back, it makes me cringe because I had a mentality like I was an anime protagonist and said so much stupid stuff,” he recalled.

And after about five months of that, Jenna eventually broke up with him– for good reason. Once he lost his ex, though, he claims the whole thing was a wake-up call.

At first, he explained how he was pretty bewildered by the whole split. Then, the weight of his words really sunk in, and he just felt horrible.

He could not imagine how Jenna must have felt during their relationship, and the realization that he was a constant bully actually made him feel too ashamed to speak to any other girls afterward.

Eventually, though, he did run into Jenna again about three years later at a mutual friend’s party. And while there, he finally got the chance to speak to his ex and apologize for everything he did.

According to him, Jenna was shocked by the apology but also really appreciative. She also reportedly forgave him, caught up about life with him afterward, and they connected on social media.

So, ever since then, he has felt like he and Jenna left off on good terms. While he was talking to his current girlfriend, Liz, though, he could not help but share how he treated his ex in the past because he has never really gotten over the guilt.

“The whole thing is still on my mind to this day, and I haven’t forgiven myself for it. It’s really affected how I act around other people. I constantly feel guilt and anxiety for what I did,” he explained.

“I have some friends who have consistently told me that I have been too hard on myself over the years, and I have changed since I was fifteen, but I don’t think I can make that judgment on myself.”

Once he opened up about everything to Liz, though, she apparently did not see how badly he felt about his past behavior. Instead, she became silent and actually just went home following the conversation.

He later tried to talk to her about the situation again, but it was at that point that Liz claimed she just could not believe he would do something so horrible. She also said she could not see him that way.

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