
Her Parents Have Gotten Married And Separated Three Times, And Now She Was Asked To Be The Maid Of Honor At Their Fourth Wedding, But After She Refused To Buy Yet Another Expensive Dress, Her Mom Freaked Out On Her

But, she pointed out how she could just wear the original cream bridesmaid dress from their second wedding or the other nice brown dress she bought for their vow renewal.

For whatever reason, though, her mom reportedly freaked out on her. First, she was told those dresses would not match the color scheme of the wedding– which would be pink and green. Then, her mom claimed to know that she could afford the new gown.

Now, she honestly could afford to buy that new dress– because after her grandfather passed away, she received a generous inheritance.

However, she has also started her own life since then. She is currently engaged and living with her fiancé in a small apartment, where they currently split all expenses fifty-fifty.

Aside from the expenses, she also hopes to have a large family– with between five and seven children– and kids are super expensive.

So, all of the extra money she has is placed in savings accounts and college funds for her future children.

Her mom also knew about this entire arrangement, too, so she took that opportunity to remind her mom that she was not exactly swimming in dough.

She also kind of made a dig at her mom and pointed out how she would only wear this dress once before having to buy another brand-new one in three to six years.

Her mom still just did not understand her perspective, though, and actually had the nerve to call her a spoiled brat.

Then, she got accused of “wasting her privilege” and refusing to be a part of her own parents’ wedding.

“And I told her that I was going to be willing to show up to the wedding and not be the maid of honor, but at this point, I am not showing up at all,” she explained. Then, she actually told her mom to call her after the next divorce before hanging up the phone!

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