A Beginner’s Guide For Those Looking To Try Their Hand At Tarot Card Reading

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sarayutsridee - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

If you are TikTok obsessed, then you have definitely stumbled across at least one video involving tarot cards.

Usually, creators will do a reading by pulling different cards and telling viewers what they mean. Plus, sometimes TikTokers will claim that if a specific tarot card reading ended up on your feed, then it was actually meant for you to see.

But, you might not know that tarot actually began back in 15th century Europe when it was used as a game for playing cards.

And in recent years, the practice has undergone a complete resurgence that is best exemplified by social media.

Tarot is most often used as a form of fortune telling, in which people will draw cards at random in hopes of gaining insight or understanding around a life event or situation. There are 78 cards in a tarot deck, and every single one represents a different kind of energy.

And by interpreting the cards that are drawn during a reading, people can start to make predictions about their life or use the different cards’ energetic themes to tell a story.

Aside from this, the potential uses for tarot are endless– one fact that is not often shown on social media. The cards can be used in conjunction with therapy, as a storytelling aid, or for journaling prompts.

Nowadays, while you can always visit an experienced tarot practitioner for a reading, you can also purchase your own deck and begin learning the art yourself.

Of course, figuring out a deck filled with 78 different cards can be intimidating and challenging. But, once you start the process, the understanding starts to flow. It is important for beginners to know that every tarot deck is divided into 22 Major Arcana cards, which are significant in terms of themes. They range from “0 the Fool,” which signifies new beginnings, trust, blind faith, and journeys, to “XXI the World,” which represents success and feelings of fulfillment.

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Thereafter, there are 56 other cards that are split up into four suits– which include Pentacles, Swords, Wands, and Cups.

Simply knowing what each card means is arguably one of the least important preparative steps a beginner can take when diving into the world of tarot, though. So, below, let’s run through some must-know tips for newbies who are looking to test their hands at tarot.

Stay In Touch With Your Intuition

Tarot is highly dependent upon your intuition. This means that whenever you shuffle and pull cards, you should stop at cards that just feel “right” for some unknown reason. Then, while reading those cards, you should interpret their meanings based on whatever strikes you the most. In turn, having trust in yourself and your intuition is crucial.

So, before you begin a tarot session, be sure that you are feeling relaxed and in tune with your body. Some choose to meditate before a session, while others light a scented candle that sets a calm aura in the room. Do whatever you need to do to calm down and feel at peace.

Start With An Open-Ended Question

Since tarot cards are often used to provide clarity on a specific subject matter, many people opt to approach their deck with a question. But, you should try to ask something that is open-ended as opposed to a yes or no question. That way, the cards represent the start of a story rather than a dead end.

For instance, if you are looking for love, stay away from questions like “Will I ever find a partner?” Instead, ask what you can do to attract a partner. Or, you can inquire about what challenges are standing in the way between you and a happy romance.

Then, keep your question in your mind while you shuffle and choose the cards.

Before Googling, Look Inward

After pulling a spread of cards, it will probably be tempting to hop on Google and look up exactly what they mean. Before you dive down that rabbit hole, though, try to think about what the cards mean to you.

This can be done by closing your eyes and meditating. You can reflect on what images you see on the card and what thoughts come to you from your subconscious. Also, think about how the cards make you feel.

Make Sure To Pick A Deck That Resonates With You

With the rise of tarot in pop culture, there are countless different deck designs and options to choose from. So, be sure that you find a deck that really speaks to you; that you get excited just looking at.

And if you have a hard time finding a connection to your current tarot cards, then it may be time to find a new deck.

Every card in a deck also has imagery that is supposed to speak to its theme. So, for a newbie, cards that have clear imagery will help you tell a visual story much easier without the need for immediate memorization.

Tarot May Surprise You, But Don’t Get Discouraged

While embarking into the world of tarot, it is vital to remember that a card reading is not “set in stone.”

First of all, if you draw a certain set of cards regarding a situation one day, the entire story may change tomorrow. Just like life, energies ebb and flow, and so do the cards.

Some tarot cards may also be more emotional or challenging to draw than other, more uplifting and optimistic ones. However, you must realize that there are no “good” or “bad” cards.

Instead, tarot cards are not black or white. There are a lot of grey areas, and it is up to you as the reader to acknowledge and make sense of these in-between meanings in your life.

Tarot Takes Time

Just like mastering any new skill or hobby in life, learning how to connect with your tarot deck and make sense of the cards will take time. But try not to get discouraged and simply focus on building a relationship with your deck.

Soon, you will be a tarot whiz who has mastered the art of intuition and meditating on life situations. In the meantime, though, prioritize forging a personal connection and learning how to have trust in yourself.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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