Back When She Was Younger, She Would Always Come Home From Playdates With Her Friend Feeling So Sick, And A Doctor Later Told Her Mom He Thought She Had Been Drugged

We just discovered one of the craziest stories about a series of childhood playdates that had gone horribly wrong.
One woman had a friend named Erin when she was 12-years-old. Erin was one of her good friends, and they liked having sleepovers.
At the time, Erin lived with her parents and a brother who was about five years older. But whenever she came home after spending the night at Erin’s house, she felt extremely ill. She’d be nauseous, would vomit, and would be extremely drowsy.
After experiencing this about five to six times, her mother noticed the pattern and confronted her, asking if she and Erin were drinking alcohol at their sleepovers.
“I remember laughing at that question because I had never even tasted alcohol at that point in my life,” she recalls. “But my mom’s question was super serious.”
She told her mother no but that she thought Erin’s pets, a series of rodents, were causing her to be sick. However, her mother was still suspicious, so she didn’t let her spend the night at Erin’s house anymore.
One night, she was with a group of friends at Erin’s house for a few hours before going to her friend Sara’s house for a sleepover. Even though she didn’t sleep at Erin’s, she still returned home very sick.
Her mother decided to take her to the doctor. The doctor believed that she wasn’t drinking alcohol, but given that her symptoms were consistent with a hangover, he went ahead and tested her blood alcohol levels. They came back at 0.
The doctor then said he could test her blood for Rohypnol but that it would be too late to detect it in her blood. Rohypnol is illegal in the United States and is often used to dangerously spike people’s drinks at bars and parties. – – illustrative purposes only
“Given the circumstances, he informed my mother that I was likely ‘drugged’ at Erin’s house since that [was] the only commonality preceding my symptoms,” she says. Can you imagine receiving that news?
There wasn’t enough evidence to prove to the police that she was certainly being drugged at Erin’s house, so her mother banned her from there completely. After the ban, she never felt those symptoms again.
Things got more sketchy when two months after she stopped going to Erin’s house, Erin’s older brother messaged her on Facebook.
He asked why she never went over there anymore and told her that he recorded some things on their DVR that she would like. Then, he suggested that she go back to watch them on their TV. Weird, right?
“I didn’t know what to say, so I deleted Facebook,” she says. “I never told my parents about that message, but in hindsight, Erin’s older brother was likely preying on me.”
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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