Her Teenaged Twin Sister Had A Daughter And Agreed To Leave The Baby With Their Mom While Moving Into A New Place Hours Away, But Now That Her Sister Is All Moved In, Her Mom Is Refusing To Give The Baby Back

This eighteen-year-old young woman has a twin sister who has had the same boyfriend since their freshman year of high school.
Her sister’s boyfriend is eighteen, too, and comes from a wealthy family. He also reportedly had a career all lined up and ready for him from the day he graduated high school.
She claims her sister’s boyfriend is also pretty responsible, as is her sister. So, it was pretty shocking after she and her family found out that her sister was pregnant.
Now, her sister apparently swears that they used protection, and she really does believe that her sister tried to be safe.
“She is not the type to skip out on that kind of stuff, nor is he,” she said.
Due to the unexpected pregnancy, though, her sister was forced to finish her senior year via distance learning.
Then, her sister’s child was born right after graduation, and she claims that her sister and her sister’s boyfriend have been very responsible parents despite their young age.
But, about two weeks ago, her sister’s boyfriend started a new job– which is about four hours away from home. So, her sister and boyfriend are obviously going to be moving away.
In the meantime, though, while her sister and her boyfriend moved all of their stuff to their new place, they agreed to leave the baby with her mom.

Andrey_Arkusha – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
So, over the past two weeks, she has been Facetiming her sister every single day, and it is clear that her sister and boyfriend are working hard to turn their new place into a great home for their child.
“She shows me her daughter’s room, and it is beautiful. She tells me how much she misses her,” she recalled.
Two days ago, though, her sister told their mom that she was finally ready to come and get the baby. And now, her mom has been refusing to give the child up.
Apparently, her mom flat-out refused to hand the baby over– claiming that her sister abandoned the child and calling her sister a gold digger.
Afterward, her sister’s boyfriend even tried to call her mom, but he got the same response. So, her sister and mom have been arguing back and forth about the child for two days now.
Her sister has understandably gotten sick and tired of playing games with their mom, though. So, her sister ended up calling her one night and claiming that the following morning, she would be driving back at 4:00 a.m. to demand her daughter back.
Then, if her mom still refused, her sister claimed they would be getting the police involved, hiring attorneys, and doing whatever it took to get reunited with her baby girl.
Anyway, after having that conversation with her sister, she decided to have a real discussion with her mother. First, she told her mom that they needed to give her sister’s daughter back.
If you could not have guessed, though, her mother’s perspective did not just automatically switch. Instead, her mom kept claiming that her sister abandoned the baby and did not deserve her daughter.
Her mom also tried to say that if her sister really cared about the baby, then she would have picked her up by that point.
But, she took that opportunity to remind her mother that her sister did try and really does care about her daughter. She also warned her mom that if they did not give the child back, then her sister was going to pursue legal action.
Her mother did not care, though, and just told her to “mind her business.” And honestly, she admits to understanding her mom’s point.
“This isn’t my business,” she revealed, “And [my mom] also said the baby is what brings her joy, and she feels a ‘special connection’ with her that she guarantees my sister doesn’t have.”
Still, she warned her mom one last time– reiterating that her sister was not messing around and the situation would get ugly. Then, she exited the conversation.
Ever since then, though, she has started to question if “injecting” herself into the argument was the right thing to do. After all, she knows that it really is none of her business. But, at the same time, she knows that her sister is right and deserves her baby.
“And I did witness the conversation of my mom offering to watch the child while they moved,” she added.
Nonetheless, she has still been left wondering if butting in and telling her mom to give her sister’s daughter back was wrong or not.
If her mother offered to watch her sister’s daughter, why do you think her mom is acting like her sister abandoned the child? Do you think it is a red flag how her mother tried to use the “special connection” statement as a reason to hold onto her niece? Did she have a right to stick up for her sister? How would you have handled the situation?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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