Her Husband Started Shaving After She Asked Him To Wait Until The Following Morning Because It Keeps Her Up At Night, So She Called Him Out For Being Rude And A Poor Communicator

WavebreakmediaMicro - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
WavebreakmediaMicro - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This thirty-six-year-old woman has been living with her husband, who is thirty-eight, for a few years now. And for the most part, they work very well together except for one key area– sleep.

She claims their differing sleep schedules have been an ongoing point of contention in their relationship.

Her husband reportedly needs a lot less sleep to function than she does, so he does not really mind if she wakes him up either in the middle of the night or in the morning.

Her husband also always sets his alarm for 8:00 a.m. sharp, no matter how late he stays up the night before.

She, on the other hand, suffers whenever she does not get enough sleep. She claims that she gets awful headaches and cannot focus at work. It also puts her in a pretty sour mood.

“So, I always advocate for us to go to bed on the earlier side– around 10:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m.– as a regular habit, although I sometimes stay up later than he does if something comes up,” she explained.

This past week, though, she was already pretty behind on sleep. One evening, she and her husband stayed up late doing vacation planning– which she usually takes the lead on. And the next morning, she complained about feeling pretty tired.

Then, the following night, some stuff came up at her job, and she ended up staying at the office pretty late. So, by the time she got home, it was already 9:00 p.m.

After she walked in, she found her husband shaving– which generally takes him about an hour or two. She also asked if he had eaten yet– he had not– and if he had even been worried about her since she had never arrived home.

WavebreakmediaMicro – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

According to her, though, her husband claimed to have assumed that she had just gone out with coworkers.

Now, she found that odd– since she rarely does that. Plus, whenever she has in the past, she always told him about the plan in advance.

Regardless, she let it go and suggested that her husband take a break from shaving. That way, they could eat some dinner together before he finished up his shaving routine.

Her husband ended up agreeing to that. And afterward, she also suggested that they watch some TV. Although, she did reportedly tell her husband that she was not sure if they would have time to watch an entire episode of their show since they are usually over an hour long.

Nonetheless, they wound up watching the entire episode plus discussing their vacation for an additional fifteen minutes.

So, by that point, it was about 10:15 p.m. or 10:30 p.m., and she wanted to go to bed. In turn, she told her husband he should finish up his shaving.

Instead of doing that, though, her husband apparently walked around the kitchen, cleaned up a bit, and munched on a bag of chips.

And afterward, she was forced to tell her husband that he did not have time to shave anymore because she needed to brush her teeth and go to bed. So, she claimed that he could just finish shaving tomorrow.

“And I figured since he worked from home, it was no big deal,” she recalled.

But, even though her husband said, “Okay,” and she headed into their master bathroom to brush her teeth, she heard his electric razor start buzzing again shortly afterward.

And at that point, she realized her husband had gone into the other bathroom to shave even though he said he would wait until the morning.

Now, you might be wondering why that was such a big deal. Well, according to her, she was really ticked off because the noise prevented her from sleeping.

“This really annoys me because I am very sensitive to noise. I sleep with earbuds in but often wake up if someone moves around the bedroom after I’ve gone to bed,” she vented.

So, she ended up snapping at her husband for doing the complete opposite of what they agreed upon. Then, she claims to have gone off on him for being “uncommunicative in general”– because apparently, there have been multiple instances where her husband did not communicate his schedule, and it impacted how she planned her time.

Anyway, after that argument, she ended up going to sleep in the guest bedroom since she was so angry. Plus, she figured that she would not have to deal with getting woken up by her husband’s alarm if she slept in the other room.

Still, since waking up the following morning, she has been left wondering if calling her husband rude and a poor communicator was the best way to handle the situation or not.

Can you believe it takes her husband an hour or two to shave his beard? Aside from that, does she have a right to forbid him from shaving at night after interrupting his routine and suggesting they both eat dinner and watch TV together? Or does it seem like she is very controlling? How would you feel if you were in her husband’s shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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