Her Boyfriend Texted His Ex That He Misses Her, And He’s Even Planning To Spend The Night At Her Place Too

racool_studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
racool_studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 22-year-old girl has been dating her 23-year-old boyfriend for 2 years now, and she’s been living with him for pretty much a year and a half.

Back when she first began dating him, their country was in lockdown mode, so all they really could do was have a couple of drinks at her boyfriend’s house.

It honestly was fun and games back then, but currently, she and her boyfriend can’t really drink together because of his behavior.

You see, when her boyfriend does consume alcohol, he acts quite “angry” and “sad” before he winds up doing dumb things.

Her boyfriend’s problem with drinking has been so bad in the past that he actually sought out treatment, and he was sober for months on end.

Several days ago, she got home from work one day to discover that her boyfriend had polished off an entire bottle of wine all by himself, and he was then attempting to go buy more to drink.

“I didn’t have any drinks because I had work the next day, so I watched TV by myself,” she explained.

“He listened to music on his headphones. About an hour into him drinking, he started to say weird and hurtful things to me like “my life is harder than yours” or “at least your mother is still alive” – his mother sadly passed a few years ago, that’s why he drinks to “numb” the pain.”

“I know he doesn’t mean these things he says to me, but they still hurt, and this isn’t the first time something like this happened.”

racool_studio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

And if that isn’t hurtful enough, she then found out that her boyfriend has been texting his ex and saying he misses her.

The following morning she noticed her boyfriend had a message notification from his ex on his phone.

She knew her boyfriend had been up late texting his ex while she was fast asleep. His ex was only a girl that her boyfriend dated for 3 months before his ex had to return home to the country she’s from, which is not close to where they live at all.

She was able to access those texts her boyfriend sent to his ex, and what she discovered crushed her.

“My boyfriend is going to her country next month for college and asked her to meet up with him and whatever,” she said.

“He said that he misses her. She asked him if he wanted to stay over at her studio for a night, and he said he’d love to. I cried my eyes out when I read those messages.”

She didn’t want to let her boyfriend know that she dug through his messages and read them all, so she simply informed him that he saw the message notification from his ex on his phone to see if he would own up to anything.

Well, he didn’t tell her the truth at all, and he then got pretty secretive while claiming there wasn’t a thing going on.

Her boyfriend brushed it off and insisted he had just been talking to his ex to catch up with her, and that was it.

She then wanted her boyfriend to show the text messages to her, but he refused and has since been hiding his phone from her.

“I was thinking of texting his ex, but I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she continued.

Do you think it sounds like her boyfriend isn’t quite over her ex, and she should probably end things with him? Do you think it’s the best idea for her to reach out to his ex even though she already knows what’s going on between them?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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