Here Are 65 Deep, Open-Ended Questions To Kickstart Your Next Tarot Card Reading

Light name - - illustrative purposes only
Light name - - illustrative purposes only

You may not know that tarot actually began all the way back in 15th-century Europe as a card game.

But, in recent years, the practice has been all over social media after experiencing an utter resurgence in pop culture.

Tarot is most frequently used as a means of fortune telling, in which practitioners will draw cards at random in an effort to gain insight or further understanding about a situation or life event.

Just last week, we also discussed everything you need to know if you are looking to get started with tarot– including how to pick a card deck that resonates with you, interpret card meanings, and ask open-ended questions.

The latter, though, can be one of the most intimidating parts of starting a reading. You might be wondering how to phrase an open-ended question or wondering what area of your life you should even start to analyze.

So, below, we have compiled a list of some of the best deep and open-ended questions that you can use to kick-start your next tarot card reading.

To Learn About Your Own Life Path

-How are my past struggles impacting my life right now?

-What area of my life should I give more attention to?

Light name – – illustrative purposes only

-Which lessons am I working through currently?

-What is something I need to be aware of?

-In what area of my life is fear holding me back?

-What strengths should I focus on?

-What area of my life is consuming too much of my energy?

-What do I need to reflect on right now?

-What patterns or habits do I need to let go of?

-How can I start loving myself?

-How can I better my mental health?

-What steps can I take to move forward?

-How am I standing in my own way?

To Learn About Your Love Life & Relationships

-How can I be there for my partner?

-What toxic behaviors do I need to unlearn?

-Why am I single?

-Why do I keep running into specific relationship problems?

-What area of my relationship requires more attention?

-What should I know about my relationship moving forward?

-How can I become more independent?

-How can I move past my ex?

-How can I get comfortable opening my heart up to new people?

-What past traumas are impacting my current relationship?

-What do I need to address in myself in order to attract someone new?

-Where can I grow as a partner?

-How can I feel secure?

To Learn About Your Finances & Career

-What is my true career purpose?

-What part of my career is draining me?

-What part of my career should I work on more?

-Where is my current career path leading me?

-What do I need to learn about my finances?

-How can I improve my finances?

-What are my financial weaknesses?

-How can I achieve a better work-life balance?

-How can I know if I am on the right path?

-In what ways can I align my career with my values?

-How can I achieve my next financial goal?

-How can I forge better workplace relationships?

-How can I serve people better through my work?

To Learn More About Your Friends & Family

-How can I show up more for my friends and family?

-What patterns are surfacing in my familial relationships?

-What person in my life can use more support?

-What person can I lean on for more support?

-How should I handle a conflict with a family member or friend?

-How can I get away from a toxic relationship?

-How can I break the pattern of generational trauma?

-How can I strengthen my relationship with a specific person?

-How might I forge new connections and make new friends?

-How is my childhood still impacting me right now?

-How can I heal a strained relationship with a friend or family member?

-How can I connect with an estranged relative?

-Do I need to know anything about a particular relationship?

To Learn More About Your Health: 

-How am I putting my health on the back burner?

-Where can I provide more attention to my health?

-What can I do to feel better mentally?

-What can I do to feel better physically?

-What am I doing right in terms of my health?

-How is a specific situation impacting my health?

-How can I make my environment more healthy?

-What healthy habits should I pick up?

-What unhealthy habits should I leave behind?

-What health problems am I neglecting or ignoring?

-How can I relieve stress?

-How can I feel more motivated and energized?

-What limiting beliefs do I have to let go of for my own well-being?

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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