He’s Fed Up With His Girlfriend Never Wanting To Spend Money So He Called Her Cheap, And Since Then She Hasn’t Said A Word To Him

nenetus - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
nenetus - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This guy has a girlfriend who works as a pharmacist, and she makes 6 figures a year. Despite her high salary, he says his girlfriend is literally “the cheapest person” that he knows.

Not too long ago, his girlfriend splurged on a brand-new car, and she was interested in putting bars on the roof so that she could put her skis up top.

She got a quote of $2,000 to install the bars, so she said no to having them installed even though she had really been wanting to do this.

Another example he uses of her being cheap involves a handbag. His girlfriend has been looking at a handbag that is around $600, and she couldn’t justify spending that kind of money on it even though the handbag she currently uses is from her college days and is really beat up.

So, he thought it would be nice to splurge on his girlfriend and purchase that handbag she had been dreaming of.

“I bought it for her for Christmas, and when I gave it to her, she got mad at me for wasting my money,” he explained.

“She did apologize after saying she loves it, but $600 is too much to spend on a bag.”

A third example he offered up includes going out to eat, which is something his girlfriend never, ever wants to do.

He can’t even encourage his girlfriend to come with him to eat out even once every month. His girlfriend just tells him she can make whatever at home and spend less money.

nenetus – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

On the rare occasion he can get his girlfriend to come out with him, she winds up tipping in a way that he finds cheap.

Now, on to his girlfriend’s driving habits; she doesn’t like to drive anywhere, so she doesn’t have to spend money on gas.

“She won’t ever buy coffee and even brings her own coffee maker kit rather than just buy coffee for road trips,” he said.

“And she won’t buy bread or oat milk; she insists to make it to save money even though it takes so long. She also tends to only buy things on sale. She saw a very beautiful dress but refused to buy it because it wasn’t at least 50% off.”

“When we moved in together, she refused to buy things in IKEA, and we bought everything on Facebook marketplace. I saved money, too, but I’d rather get new things because it’s just gross to use someone’s leftovers.”

Now, his brother is coming to visit, and when he suggested that they all go out to eat at one of the hottest restaurants in town, his girlfriend shut that down.

His girlfriend would rather make food for his brother, and that was honestly the final straw for him. He finally snapped at her for never wanting to spend any money.

“I told her to stop being so cheap; we barely eat out anyway, and if she doesn’t want to pay, I will,” he continued. “She got mad…and refused to talk to me since.”

He’s left wondering if it was rude of him to call his girlfriend out for being so cheap. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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