His 5-Year-Old Daughter Wanted To Order Lobster While They Were Out At Dinner But He Said No, And Then His Brother Called Him Out For Not Letting His Daughter Have It

morrowlight - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
morrowlight - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This 27-year-old man recently went out to eat with his 22-year-old brother, who he has not seen in quite some time.

He was looking forward to grabbing dinner and catching up, and he figured it would be nice to bring his 5-year-old daughter along since his daughter adores his brother, and his brother feels the same way about her.

His brother was planning on paying for his own meal, and he was planning on paying for whatever he and his daughter ordered while out at the restaurant.

Now, he normally does not spend a lot of money on things like food, so he thought it would be nice to treat himself and get something on the fancier side: lobster.

His brother chose a pasta dish, and since his daughter cannot read a menu, he picked a few things off the menu that he knew she would enjoy and read them to her.

“After I listed my daughter the dishes, she said that she wanted to have the same I had, and I refused right away,” he explained.

“When she asked why I told her something along the lines of “It’s too expensive to order it for you too. Plus, you wouldn’t appreciate it anyway and won’t eat up. In ten years or so, we can talk about it again. We could get a small lasagna for you. You like lasagna.”

“My daughter refused to decide on anything else, so in the end, I just ordered the lasagna for her.”

His brother instantly called him out for not allowing his daughter to order lobster, as he didn’t think it was right to deny her the dish due to her being little.

morrowlight – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

He didn’t want to get into an argument with his brother, so he didn’t say anything back; he simply let out a sigh.

For the remainder of dinner, everything was strained between him and his brother. Meanwhile, his daughter pouted and wouldn’t eat a bite of her lasagna, despite him telling her that it would be the only thing available for her to eat until they got back home in several hours.

“When I got home, my husband asked why our daughter was so grumpy, so I told him what was up,” he continued.

“He doesn’t really like my brother, which is why he didn’t want to come along for anyone wondering. He didn’t necessarily agree nor disagree with my decision per se but thinks I shouldn’t have directly told our daughter that because she wouldn’t be grumpy and pouty now.”

He’s left wondering if he should have let his 5-year-old daughter order lobster after all. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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