
She Believes That Her Cousin Has Been Copying All Of Her Interests Since They Were Kids, So She Recently Called Her Cousin Out For Trying To “Steal Her Dreams” And Got Accused Of Being Delusional

Most recently, though, one more incident totally pushed her over the edge. Less than a year ago, she and Lucy got together, and she revealed how she had wanted to move to Western Europe.

But, right after they broached the topic, Lucy apparently came up with numerous different reasons why she would never do that.

As of this past week, though, it became clear that Lucy had completely changed her mind– because apparently, Lucy and her husband announced that they would be moving abroad to Western Europe.

Now, at this point, she claims to “know” that all of Lucy’s life choices are not just a coincidence. Instead, she is confident that her cousin is doing it all on purpose.

So, she ended up getting really frustrated and decided to confront her cousin once and for all.

First, she told Lucy that she would appreciate it if her dreams stopped getting stolen away. She also claimed that it was “actually sad” of Lucy to live her life that way– “never having an original idea” and just “copying” whatever she wanted to do in her own life.

According to her, though, her cousin acted completely clueless. In fact, Lucy just asked her what the heck she was talking about, and she proceeded to list out all of the “main things”– including the computer science job, moving to the capital city, and now, moving abroad.

But, to her surprise, Lucy claimed that actually none of those choices had anything to do with her. In fact, her cousin claimed to have long forgotten that she ever wanted to be a software developer.

Lucy also reportedly told her in “a really condescending way” that if she asked any college-educated people under the age of thirty in their country, at least 80% of them would reveal they were thinking of moving abroad.

“So, she said that we are both unoriginal in the same way, but I am also delusional and self-centered,” she revealed. Yikes!

While her cousin’s comments were supposed to add clarity to the situation, though, she has only become angrier. Plus, she admitted that Lucy’s “insults” and “defensiveness” have only solidified her belief that she was right about her cousin.

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