She Is Being Accused Of Giving Her Children “Unfair” Chores Because Her Son, Who Has Special Needs, Completes Fewer Tasks Than His Siblings But Earns The Same Amount Of Allowance Money

kleberpicui - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
kleberpicui - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is forty-three years old and is currently a single mother to four children. Her oldest daughter, Allie, is twelve, and her second eldest, Sasha, is ten. She also has a son named Eli, who is nine, and a baby girl named Abby, who is four months old.

After giving birth to Eli, though, she found out that her son has special needs– and this reality makes it difficult for him to complete certain physical tasks.

But, ever since she had Abby, she has been unable to keep up with all of the household chores by herself and needed some help.

So, in the past, each of her children would have had one chore to complete every single day. For instance, Sasha was in charge of taking out the trash; meanwhile, Allie vacuumed the house, and Eli handled folding the laundry.

Now, though, she has upped her children’s chore load– with each of them completing multiple tasks per day. Allie is now expected to vacuum in addition to taking out their two dogs and sweeping the entryway and kitchen.

Sasha also still takes out the garbage but also has to wash dishes after dinner and make all of the beds. Finally, Eli has continued folding laundry and is now responsible for watering the plants as well.

She did claim that each of her children’s chores only takes between five to ten minutes to complete. Plus, she reportedly pays them an allowance every week to complete these responsibilities.

“And no, I don’t torture them,” she prefaced.

Just a couple of days ago, though, her eldest daughter, Allie, actually approached her about a discrepancy in their household.

kleberpicui – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Apparently, Allie pointed out how it was unfair that Eli was not expected to do the same amount of chores as she and Sasha, yet he still received the same amount of allowance money.

But she tried to explain to her daughter how Eli could only do so much around the house.

“He is in a wheelchair and cannot really use his right hand well, so what was he supposed to do?” she asked.

Allie did not agree with her perspective, though, and claimed that Eli could just “try harder” to make their workloads even.

Still, she ended up telling her daughter that the chore split was “even enough”– claiming that Allie’s chores were easy for her to complete and did not take her long to do; meanwhile, Eli takes a bit longer to complete his tasks.

Well, it appears that Allie was not satisfied with her answer– because after their conversation, her daughter approached her brother, Allie’s uncle, to complain about the system at their house.

Then, she ended up getting berated by her brother. Apparently, he claimed that she was “being stupid” and told her that she needed to treat each of her kids fairly. So, her brother said that she either needed to give Eli more chores or pay him less money.

Anyway, now, with both her brother and Allie telling her she is in the wrong, she has been left wondering if giving her son with special needs fewer chores for the same amount of allowance money makes her a jerk or not.

Does “fair” mean “equal?” Do you believe that she should be making Eli work harder than his siblings for the same amount of money? Or is her current system fair since it accounts for her son’s different abilities? If you were in her shoes, would you change the chore structure or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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