While She Was On A Trip Visiting Her Boyfriend, Her Sister Decided To Fake Her Death In Order To “Test” How Much She Really Cared About Her

In September, this seventeen-year-old girl had an unfortunate falling out with her sister, who is twenty-three.
The falling out involved their mother– who she claims is mentally and emotionally abusive– and sides ended up being taken.
So, she wound up taking a step back and decided to cut off communication with both her mom and sister. In turn, she and her sister actually had not spoken for four months.
Anyway, more recently, she also went on a trip to visit her long-distance boyfriend. They had been dating for seven months, but that trip was actually the first time they got to see each other since becoming exclusive.
And as you can imagine, she was ecstatic. Plus, her boyfriend’s birthday was even during her planned visit, so she was so happy that she would be able to spend time with him on his special day.
But then, by the third day of her visit, she received a random call from her sister. And given their falling out, she opted to decline the call and thought nothing of it.
“I didn’t want any drama that always came along with answering her calls, and I left it alone,” she recalled.
Shortly afterward, though, she then received a call from her sister’s boyfriend. He was apparently freaking out and sobbing on the phone and told her that her sister had gotten into a head-on collision with a truck and passed away.
So, she was, of course, absolutely hysterical. In fact, she could not even walk because of how much grief she was experiencing.

pololia – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Then, once she was able to gather herself, she started frantically packing her bags to head home. She also phoned her father to tell him what had happened and asked if he would be able to buy her a plane ticket.
Her dad ended up buying the ticket and also asking that her boyfriend travels with her, so she was not alone. And thankfully, her boyfriend did.
They ultimately flew out at three o’clock in the morning before arriving at her home airport and getting picked up by her father.
“And I was still losing my mind over my sister,” she said.
Plus, they all continued freaking out during the hour-long drive from the airport to her sister’s house.
Eventually, though, they all did arrive at her sister’s home. She and her dad jumped out and ran up to the front door; meanwhile, her boyfriend reportedly stayed in the car out of respect while she waited to be let inside.
Then, in a total plot twist, her sister actually answered the door with the “biggest grin” on her face. And after seeing the look on her face, her sister had the nerve to ask, “So you do care about me?”
Obviously, she and her dad were beyond floored. And after the shock passed, anger set in. Her dad reportedly started to “huff and puff” about how pulling that kind of “prank” is far from funny.
For whatever reason, though, her sister just did not understand that. In fact, she simply shrugged, turned toward her, and responded, “I only did it, so I know you would even care since you like to choose favorites with our parents.”
Now, she claims that she was still speechless at that point. But she eventually gathered herself enough to put her sister in her place.
She explained to her sister how the only reason she ever stopped speaking to their mother was because of years of mental and emotional abuse, as well as manipulation. Plus, she revealed how she just could not stand being used as her family’s middleman or scapegoat any longer.
“I also told her I just had the worst seven hours of my life and that this just showed that she did not care enough about me to think how this would affect me mentally,” she vented.
Finally, she finished by telling her sister that she hated her. Afterward, her father just got her and her boyfriend a cheap hotel room to spend the night, and she has been reeling ever since.
Shockingly, though, both her sister and mom have continued to paint her as the bad guy in this situation. They are blowing up her phone with texts– claiming that what she said to her sister was extremely rude. Plus, they have accused her of overreacting to her sister’s “little test.”
So now, even though she has never felt more grief, sadness, or anguish in her entire life, she has still been left wondering if claiming to hate her sister after her sister faked her death was justified or made her the jerk.
If you received that call from your sister’s boyfriend while away on a trip, how would you have felt? What about when you arrived, expecting your sister to be dead, and she was grinning at you? Did she have a right to say she hated her sister? Why do you think her mom and sister believed the “little test” was normal and not emotionally manipulative? How would you have reacted in this situation?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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