These Five Tips On How To Forge A Happy Marriage Are Priceless

It is no secret that about fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Yet, so many people fall victim to the invincibility mindset– thinking “that won’t happen to us” in their relationships.
Quite frankly, though, simply staying positive or hopeful about your marriage is not the way to make sure it doesn’t crash and burn.
Instead, this lack of active effort might very well lead you to the potential negative outcome you refuse to even think about.
So, you actually have to wake up every single day and make the conscious choice to work on your union.
But, if you are like most people, accepting this fact is probably the easiest part. Then, figuring out how to actually start is an entirely different ballgame.
Thankfully for you, though, married people of Reddit recently revealed their top secrets to maintaining a happy marriage. And the tips are pretty priceless.
Prioritize Your Spouse
This may sound obvious. But when push comes to shove and life gets messy, it is not always so simple. In turn, remember that your spouse is your partner– not an enemy.
“Never put anyone or anything above them. Not work, not family. They become an extension of you. Look after them like it is the most important thing in the world.” –Spiritualcore

WellStock – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
“Absolutely– this is the way. When we were married, the minister told us always hold space for just the two of us, even over children. This advice has served us well. A happy marriage equals a happy family and children.” –Martinispecialist
Never Stop Dating
Your spouse that is. After you pass the “newlywed” phase and enter the real throes of marriage, your relationship might start to feel more transactional than romantic. Discussions about the mortgage and lawn care are not exactly aphrodisiacs, right?
So, keep the “spark” alive by never letting it fade in the first place. Going out on dates– whether they be simple dinners or brand-new adventures– allows you to keep things exciting and make memories with your partner. And isn’t that really what a life together is all about?
“Never stop dating your spouse.” –Senishte1992
Remember The Three C’s
Communication, compromise, and commitment are key. Let’s break them down.
Fostering open communication is important in all relationships, but arguably most important in romantic ones.
How can you ever be sure of your partner’s feelings or if you are on the same page if you do not talk freely? There should be no “off-limit” zones in your communication, and you should be able to discuss anything judgment-free.
Sure, this may take some patience– especially if your partner is trying to point out flaws or things that bring them unhappiness in your relationship.
But getting upset about what they have to say will help no one. Instead, being receptive, hearing them out, and implementing necessary changes is the only surefire way to squash any issues.
Second, compromise is a cornerstone of all partnerships. After all, when you bring two different people together, disagreements are bound to happen unless you literally married an exact clone of yourself.
So, figuring out how to navigate disagreements in a constructive way– and come to a solution that works for both you and your spouse– is important for maintaining a healthy union.
Finally, commitment to your relationship is critical. And I do not just mean staying monogamous. Commitment can come in a wide variety of forms– from understanding your partner’s needs to ensuring they are met.
“Respecting your partner’s boundaries, for instance. Doing things to show they are important to you.” –Sinisteryear
Never Lose Your Individuality
With all of this compromise and prioritization talk, this point might sound counterintuitive. But healthy relationships are all about balance.
So, if you lose yourself in the process of working on your marriage, you definitely will not be happy– and your marriage will suffer.
This means it is crucial for you and your partner to be on the same page about personal identity. Moreover, accept that it is okay to be different from your spouse.
“Understand that you are two different people and have different needs and wants.” –Life-two9562
Accepting this fact may inform how you and your spouse express love and intimacy for each other– for example, by understanding love languages. It may also help you block out alone time away from your spouse to fulfill your own interests and hobbies.
Then, once you come back together, you can both feel more fulfilled and empowered.
Don’t Forget About Your Friendship
Healthy marriages are built upon a foundation of friendship. They should not be about social status, employment, income, or how great your partner is in bed. So, make sure that you can actually be friends with your partner.
For instance, are you satisfied just catching up over a cup of coffee or hearing about their day without all of the touchy-feely romance stuff? This is the true test, and you should keep fostering this friendship throughout your union.
“Never stop building on the friendship. If you cannot be friends with your partner, then it is hard to be in a relationship.”
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