This Teen Called Her Mom Out For Shopping For A White Dress To Wear To Her Coworker’s Wedding, And Her Mom Still Doesn’t See Anything Wrong With Wanting To Do This

Alliance - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Alliance - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 15-year-old girl has a mom who is 36, and a couple of weeks back, her mom asked her to go shopping.

Her mom mentioned that she wanted to find a dress, though she didn’t say what the occasion was for.

She said yes, and then she and her mom drove into the city to shop for a good dress for her mom.

That morning as they started looking, her mom mentioned that she wanted to find a white-colored dress, though she also would be happy to find a white-colored blouse if it had a lot of detail to it.

After a couple of hours of looking through different things, her mom eventually told her that she was trying to find an outfit to wear to her coworker’s wedding.

This appalled her, as she knows you should never, ever wear white to someone else’s wedding.

“I reminded her that you shouldn’t wear white to the wedding because it might upset the bride, and she said, “no one really liked (bride) anyway” as soon as she said that, I told her I wasn’t going to help her until she chose a different color because what she was doing was disrespectful,” she explained.

“She called me over dramatic and that I shouldn’t talk to her like that because she is my mother and raised me “better than that.” I got angry at her behavior and walked out. I called my friend who lived close to the city and asked for a lift home.”

While her friend drove her back to her house, she got flooded with furious texts from her mom, who accused her of not being grateful.

Alliance – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Her mom also called her “spoiled,” and then her dad started to call her. She picked up, and her dad asked her to turn around and head back to where her mom was so she could finish shopping with her.

Her dad also asked if she could say sorry to her mom. While it made her feel awful to just walk out and leave her mom in the store alone, she didn’t think it was ok to help her mom pick out an outfit that isn’t appropriate for a guest to wear to a wedding.

“The wedding is in a few days, and she is still planning to wear the white dress she came home with that day,” she said.

“My dad doesn’t want to get involved any further and said it was just “petty girl drama.” What should I do?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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