After She Turned 18, Her Stepdad Wanted Her To Pay Rent To Live At Home Before College, But She Refused Because It Was Clear That He Was Just Doing It Out Of Spite

djile - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
djile - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman from the UK just celebrated her 18th birthday last week. Unfortunately, though, the festivities were pretty short-lived– because the very next day, her stepdad told her that she needed to start paying rent in order to “live in his house.”

Now, she claims that her stepdad is quite conservative. She also revealed how she never expected to live at home rent-free forever. In this particular instance, though, she reportedly “knows” that her stepdad’s demands are out of spite.

Apparently, her mom and stepdad have been married for 9 years– during which they had two children together. She, however, is obviously not her stepdad’s biological daughter.

“And it’s clear I am a reminder that his wife was a…divorced woman before him. So, of course, I am being treated like a guest, and my mom is allowing it,” she explained.

According to her, though, it’s not like her stepdad even needs her money in order to make ends meet. Plus, she does not have much cash anyway.

Right now, she is preparing for her A-level exams, which will begin in mid-April and continue until July. She is studying all STEM subjects and hoping to obtain an offer for a medicine course at a prestigious university by achieving straight A’s on her tests.

Obviously, though, those kinds of grades will require her to study hard. And if she has to get a job at the same time in order to pay rent– which her stepdad has set at £100 every month– then she will not be able to dedicate enough time to her schoolwork.

On top of that, it’s not like she has any plans to live at her parent’s house past the summer. In fact, she will be moving out in September to attend college. And in the UK, all universities are funded by loans that cover everything and are completely the student’s responsibility.

So, her parents will not be financing any of her tuition or expenses– which makes her stepdad’s push for rent honestly just feel vindictive.

djile – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“And it’s not like I am not productive. I am trying to save the money I had left from my last job for when I move out, too,” she vented.

“So, paying my stepdad £800 (about $965) when he doesn’t need it feels spiteful and like he is punishing me and making my life harder for being born.”

Now, even though his mom has backed her stepdad on this decision, her aunt– who is her mom’s sister– did step in to defend her.

Apparently, her aunt claimed that her stepdad’s expectations were ridiculous. Then, she was even encouraged to just move into her aunt’s house until September.

This new arrangement makes perfect sense to her, too. While her aunt’s house is technically an hour away from her parent’s home, her school is located right in the middle of the two properties. So, it would only take her 30 minutes to get to and from school each day.

Plus, she was offered her aunt’s vacant guest room for free. That way, she would be able to save up any additional money for college.

Anyway, after thinking over all of these benefits, she ultimately decided to take her aunt up on the offer.

As soon as her mom found out, though, the dramatics ensued. Apparently, her mom will not stop crying about the fact that she is leaving so soon. And because her mom is so upset, her stepdad is annoyed.

She and her stepdad have since gotten into an argument about her moving out, too, in which he claimed that he was just treating her “like a tenant” in order to prepare her for the “real world.”

“Do tenants not have the right to leave?” she snapped back at her stepdad– which only made him angrier.

So, in the wake of the argument, she has first been accused of hurting her mother. Second, she was also accused of taking resources away from her aunt because she was “too entitled” to pay rent.

Quite frankly, though, she just knows that her aunt’s house is the best option for her right now, and she told her parents that she would visit them.

With her mom still really torn up over her decision, though, she has been left wondering whether refusing to get a job and pay rent at her parent’s house really makes her a jerk or not.

Why do you think her mother was so upset about her moving out if her mom did not try to stop the push for rent? Do you believe that her stepdad is just angry that his attempt to control her backfired? Does she have a right to want to prioritize school and saving money before going to college? If you were in her shoes, would you move to your aunt’s house, too?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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