
Are You Being Love Bombed By Your Partner? Here Are 15 Warning Signs To Watch Out For

#4: They demand all of your attention. 

The purpose of love bombing is to turn the attention they give you into attention for themselves. The gifts and attention they give you must be returned to them tenfold.

If this does not happen, criticism and manipulative behavior, such as gaslighting, are bound to occur.

#5: They shower you with PDA.

Similar to gift-giving – love bombers will shower you with displays of affection. This can be physically or over text, video, and phone calls. They will shower you with hugs, kisses, hand-holding, and all the cute things you would love in a partner.

Be warned – they expect you to worship them in exchange.

#6: They get upset over your boundaries.

The whole point of showering you with love and affection is to get you to let go of your boundaries. They will get upset if you hold steady and try to reinforce those boundaries.

#7: They will convince you you deserve better.

When this happens, your partner will put you on a pedestal. You will naturally shower them with affection in return when they do this.

However, when you are not reciprocating with enough attention to the love bomber, they will start to chip away at your other relationships by telling you that you deserve better than how they treat you so that you will put more into the person showering you with affection – the love bombing partner.

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