
Are You Being Love Bombed By Your Partner? Here Are 15 Warning Signs To Watch Out For

If your partner constantly tells you things like, “You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen,” or “You complete me.” “Life had no vibrancy until you came along….” or other overly romantic things like that, you might be a victim to love bombing.

Love bombers will constantly spout off overly romantic compliments in person or love text every day to shower you with affection.

A few compliments now and again are endearing, but if they are over the top and a regular occurrence, be on guard.

#2: They constantly give you gifts.

The goal of love bombing is to get you dependent on their attention and generosity. They do this by showering you with extravagant and expensive gifts. This is to make you feel indebted to the giver over time. If you start to behave in a way that displeases them, they can cease their generous gifts as a manipulation tactic to get you to fall back in line and behave appropriately for them.

The whole point of the gifts is to establish control over you. If you find your partner constantly giving you gifts, but they stop when you do something they don’t want you to do, you might be dealing with a love bomber.

#3: They want to move much faster than you in the relationship.

There are many rites of passage in a new relationship: saying “I love you” for the first time, meeting friends and family, moving in together, getting engaged, and so on.

However, if these are things your partner wants to do immediately despite you not wanting to, it’s a sign your partner is trying to get closer to you too fast.

Being comfortable with someone immediately is a good sign – but trying to force it is not.

If they attempt to sway you into moving quickly with extra affection, they are love bombing you.

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