
Feeling Stagnant? Here Are 7 Simple Ways To Add Inspiration And “Life” Back Into Your Day-To-Day Routine

So, to start feeling more alive, start stepping outside of your own box. Put yourself in new situations with new people, and try activities you have never even thought to participate in before. You just have to bet on yourself, and you will surely be surprised in the end– in one way or another.

2. Make Plans For The Future

When feeling stagnant, it sometimes helps to have something to look forward to. Maybe work is going great, and your relationship is “total goals,” but you are feeling unsure about “what’s next” in your life.

Well, spoiler alert: only you can be the decider of your fate. And that is a glorious thing.

Take stock of what you are not enjoying right now. Maybe your commute is horrible, you desperately need a new kitchen, or you are missing family.

Whatever it may be, set a plan to make a change. This can be a short-term or long-term goal and can be centered around anything you want: career, fitness, self-care, family, relationships, home, hobbies, and more.

Just make a decision about what you want to add to your life, write it down, and start game planning. Not only will you be getting closer to accomplishing a goal, but knowing that you are moving forward will give you a renewed sense of motivation and excitement to attack each day.

3. Experiment With Your Wardrobe

There are so many parts of our day that cannot be changed– at least in the short term. All of us have to work, go grocery shopping, and clean up our houses. If you are a parent or caregiver, you also can’t just ditch homework time, dinner prep, or bedtime routines.

Nonetheless, you can change what you wear while going about your routines.

If you are sick of the same-old same-old, try switching up your wardrobe. No, it may not make a difference to anyone we interact with on a daily basis. But, what we wear is directly tied to how we feel about ourselves– and that is what’s most important anyway.

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