He Got His Friend’s Teen Daughter An Expensive Handbag For Her Birthday Instead Of The Gift His Friend Told Him To Get, So His Friend Is Not Happy With Him

stalk - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
stalk - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This guy has a female coworker who is one of his very good friends, and they have been close for 7 years now.

His friend has a teen daughter who just celebrated her 15th birthday, and his friend asked him to come to her daughter’s birthday party.

The party was a week ago, and this was hardly the first time that he has met his friend’s daughter. He’s spent a lot of time with his friend’s daughter prior to the party.

Anyway, he questioned his friend about what gift he should buy for her daughter’s birthday, and his friend replied that a karaoke machine was what her daughter would like.

Several days after he spoke to his friend about the gift, he was with his little sister, who is also a teenager, and he asked her about if he really should get his friend’s daughter a karaoke machine for her birthday.

His sister pretty much laughed at him and mentioned that nobody her age would really want that as a birthday gift.

His sister then suggested that he send his friend’s daughter a message on social media to see what she really would like for a birthday gift.

His sister added that it would be a shame for him to spend his money on something that his friend’s daughter wouldn’t like or use.

He followed his sister’s advice and reached out to his friend’s daughter about a birthday gift she really would enjoy.

stalk – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

His friend’s daughter proceeded to send him a couple of options, which all involved luxury handbags and clothing.

Everything his friend’s daughter sent to him was on the pricey side for sure, so he picked out the most inexpensive bag she had sent, which was $320.

“Saturday comes, and I end up giving her the bag, and my friend saw that I didn’t get the gift she told me to and asked me about it,” he said.

“So I explained everything, and she was very upset with me, saying that I shouldn’t have messaged her daughter and that I should have just gotten the karaoke machine.”

“We had a small argument, and even her daughter told her that she never wanted a karaoke machine, but my friend still insisted I was a “jerk” for going behind her back. She didn’t talk to me at all throughout the party, and even now, a week later, she constantly brings it up.”

He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to take his sister’s advice and check to make sure he was buying a birthday gift his friend’s daughter actually wanted.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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