
He Likes To Throw Wine And Cheese Parties For His Friends In His MFA Program, But He’s Thinking It’s Time To Ask One Girl To Stop Coming To His Parties Because She Picks Apart How Well-Off He Is

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This 28-year-old guy originally went to college for computer science, and he currently works in the tech industry.

He makes excellent money, but back in 2021, he thought it would be a great idea to sign up for an MFA program so he could do something with the enthusiasm that he has for writing.

Now, his house is located not far from where his campus is, and he loves having people over. So, he began having little parties at his house for his friends in his MFA program.

He holds these parties almost every month, and he only invited approximately 10 people to them at first.

“The parties are nicer than a dorm party (think wine and cheese) but nothing super fancy,” he explained.

“In 2022, a new class of students came in, and I invited them to the parties as well. One young woman (22ish) and I got off on the wrong foot. During our first conversation, I mentioned my trip to Vienna last summer, and she said, “Ooh, Vienna,” in a sarcastic tone.”

“Our conversation quickly tapered off after that. I was embarrassed because I could see how I might have come off as showing off, but I honestly did not mean for it to read that way. Subsequent to that, she has made it pretty clear that she does not like me, specifically because I have some money.”

This girl never misses an opportunity to make nasty comments about people who are well-off, as well as people who are landlords.

He is a landlord, as he rents one of his rooms out to a student, and this girl is completely aware of this.

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