
She Made Her Best Friend’s Wife Cry After Saying That Being A Mom Didn’t Count As A Personality Trait

Kristina89 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

It’s pretty reasonable to say that when someone has a child, they go through a personal transformation.

There are parents from all walks of life with all different sorts of personalities. Some parents choose to still have a career, and some choose to dedicate their entire lives to being at-home parents, etc.

One woman recently got into an argument with her best friend’s wife after having a debate over motherhood being a personality trait. 

She and her husband have a 5-year-old daughter named Maddie.

“I absolutely adore Maddie, and being her mother is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me,” she explained. “That said, the meta experience of ‘motherhood’ is something I just don’t identify with.”

Her best friend, Ollie, lives with his wife named, Rebecca, and their 4-year-old daughter, Beth. While Ollie and Rebecca were staying with them for a week, she had a moment with Rebecca that turned sour. 

She then explained that while she doesn’t talk about being a mother all the time, Rebecca does. 

Rebecca is always talking about motherhood and her daughter. Although this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, she can be judgmental towards other moms. 

During their visit together, she was in her hot tub with Rebecca and Ollie. Ollie asked her if she designed the bathing suit she was wearing, and she said yes! However, Rebecca was not a fan of it and told her it was a bit much for a mom. 

Kristina89 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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