She Was Intentionally Excluded From Being Able To Attend A Friend’s Funeral, But Her Husband Is Still Planning On Going, So She’s Upset

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compuinfoto - - illustrative purposes only

This woman’s husband had a friend named Joe, who sadly passed recently after battling cancer for some time.

She was crushed when Joe passed away, as Joe wasn’t just her husband’s friend; he was her friend as well.

Joe’s wife is now left widowed, and although she got along great with Joe, she does not really get on ok with his widow at all.

“I can’t pinpoint what the exact issue is between us,” she explained. “All I can say is that we don’t get along.”

“The biggest blowup I had with her was after I posted health updates about Joe on my personal social media account.”

“I thought this was normal since we have lots of mutual friends, but she clearly had an issue with it. She called me names then blocked me.”

Joe’s funeral is set to happen in two days, and she just learned that she has been intentionally excluded from being able to attend the funeral.

Her husband is planning to attend Joe’s funeral even though she’s not invited, and she’s so upset with him for wanting to go anyway.

It’s certainly not fair, and she feels devastated. She does not want to miss out on paying her respects, but it’s out of her hands, and there’s nothing that she can do.

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She mentioned to her husband that she would like him not to go to the funeral and stay at home with her, but he freaked out on her.

“He snapped and said what I was expecting was unfair and that whatever “petty” fight between me and Joe’s widow was none of his concern,” she said.

“I told him that I’m his wife and he should stand by me, especially when I’m being treated like this, but he said it wasn’t his problem.”

“Now we’re not speaking because of it. Some mutual friends are siding with me. Others think Joe’s widow created this situation, to begin with.”

She’s left wondering if it’s wrong of her to want her husband to skip the funeral just because she isn’t allowed to be there.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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