She’s No Longer Eating Meat, And When She Let Her Boyfriend Know She Wasn’t Going To Be Buying Or Making Any Meat Dishes For Him, He Got Upset

This 24-year-old girl lives with her boyfriend, who is 27, and they both equally split all of their expenses.
The single expense they don’t split is food. She purchases groceries for herself to just cook and enjoy, and he purchases his own food too.
She tries to cook things on the more healthy side, whereas her boyfriend ends up buying microwave dinners and junk food.
Her boyfriend rarely cooks, but she cooks all the time and enjoys doing it. She does share anything she makes with her boyfriend, but if he ends up not liking it, he heats up his microwave dinner instead.
Not that long ago, she decided to stop eating meat. While she says she arrived at this decision for several reasons, she predominantly is no longer eating meat because it doesn’t agree with her.
She did let her boyfriend know that she was going meatless, and he really was encouraging about this lifestyle change of hers.
Last weekend, she went grocery shopping, and she picked up everything she normally gets, along with a few things that are new and meatless.
She did not buy any meat because she feels that it’s not on her to buy it if she has no interest in eating it.
“When my BF came home to find a meat-free dinner (veggie fried rice, potato pot stickers, and grilled veggie kabobs,) he was visibly irritated,” she explained.

gstockstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
“When I asked him what was wrong, he said it was nothing. But then he went to the kitchen, and I heard fridge doors and cabinets slamming.”
He stormed back into their dining room and demanded to know why some old frozen chicken was the only meat in their house.
She replied back to him that since she’s not eating meat, that means she’s not going to be cooking it or buying it either.
“He lashed out and accused me of trying to force vegetarianism on him,” she said. “I told him he was free to buy his own meat and cook it himself. I just didn’t want to do it anymore. He kept saying I was being a typical vegan, forcing my beliefs on others.”
“After he said that, I snapped. I shouted about how he never even buys groceries; it’s always out of my money. I basically called him out on how I keep the kitchen stocked, and he never even offers to pay even a portion of it.”
Her boyfriend walked out of their house and went to sleep over at her brother’s place for the night, as they’re really good friends.
While her boyfriend went to her brother’s, he told her brother about their meat issue, and now her whole family is accusing her of being “controlling” as well as not nice for not wanting to make meat dishes for her boyfriend.
“I don’t shop for the household,” she clarified. “I shop for the things I want. My BF is just welcome to help himself.”
“I don’t like frozen pizzas or…snacks, but my BF does, so he buys those things for himself.”
“We’re not some movie couple who sits down to a meal together every night. It’s more like I leave a pot of food on the stove and let him know it’s there after making my plate.”
She’s left wondering if it’s not ok for her to no longer want to make anything that includes meat for her boyfriend.
What do you think?
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