The Wedding Gift Her Brother Gave To Her Was Supposed To Be A Joke, But He Had No Idea It’s Worth Close To $7,000, And He Expects Her To Give It Back Now That He Knows The Real Value

kiuikson - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
kiuikson - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s great-aunt was a very kind woman who grew up in post-World War II in Eastern Europe.

The strangest thing about her great-aunt was that she always gifted her personal things for every occasion in their family, such as milestone birthdays and weddings.

When she celebrated her First Communion, her great-aunt gave her a music box, and she has hung onto it ever since.

Knowing that her great-aunt loved to give her belongings away as gifts, she would always ask her family members to take a peek at what her great-aunt had gifted them.

“A few of my aunts had them displayed in a china cabinet or out somewhere safe,” she explained. “A few had them collecting dust in a box.”

“I made sure they knew that if the day ever came that they wanted to downsize or something, I would appreciate a chance to grab it for my collection. Some of my cousins took me up on the offer, and I ended up with six extra pieces for my room.”

“When I moved out, I made sure that every single part of my collection was safely wrapped and packed. They are my little treasures. I know it’s weird.”

So, when her older brother got married, her great-aunt gave him one of her belongings, and when her brother opened the gift, she noticed her brother’s wife was way less than thrilled about it.

She then told her brother she thought the gift was gorgeous, though she never informed her brother that she would be happy to have the gift, as she figured he would probably like to give it to his daughter one day.

kiuikson – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Well, last September, she got married, and her brother was practically laughing when it came time for her to open her wedding present from him.

“It was the piece from our great aunt,” she said. “He thought it was super funny. Then he gave us our “real” gift from our registry. I thanked him profusely for both.”

“He came over the other day and saw my collection in my china cabinet I inherited. He asked me why I was so fascinated with this stuff.”

“I told him that I thought it was amazing and that lots of people collected it. He…started looking it up. The figurine he gave me is worth about $6,700.”

As soon as her brother realized the value of the gift he had given her as a joke, he expected her to give it back to him.

She replied to her brother that she and her husband had already planned on regifting all of the pieces her great-aunt gave her to everyone in their family.

The piece her brother wanted back was already earmarked for his daughter to get on her First Communion.

She also has written up a little pamphlet on what every single piece is worth, along with some history on her aunt, so everyone has a greater appreciation for their gifts.

Regardless, her brother is upset with her for not giving the piece back to him immediately, considering what it is worth.

“He says I’m being mean accepting a gift from him that is worth so much,” she continued. “I asked him if he ever bothered looking up the value of what he was giving me….”

“Whatever. I have family treasures to keep safe for the next generation. I know I would have gotten something awesome from my great aunt if she hadn’t passed away before my wedding.”

Do you think she should give the piece back to her brother now?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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