
His Brother Was A Bad Tenant After Already Paying A Breakeven Rent Rate, So He Decided To Sell The House That His Brother’s Family Was Renting And Evict Them

Anyway, he already knew a bunch of developers from the community. So, he actually did not even need to list the house in order to have it sold in under a week.

Afterward, his brother ultimately found out about the sale after being served with an eviction notice. And if you could not have guessed, his brother called him up to ask what the heck was going on.

At that point, he just admitted that the property had caused him too much stress. And since he realized he had an opportunity to make some money off the house, he took it.

Surprisingly, though, his brother was furious that he did not offer his brother a chance to buy the home.

But he found that pretty rich and pointed out how his brother was already having trouble making the rent. So, he asked how in the world his brother was going to qualify for a mortgage.

Once he said that his brother just called him a jerk. His brother also claimed he had the money all along and had just been waiting to make him an offer.

“So I asked him if he had money, why was he late on his rent?” he said. Yikes!

That pushed his brother to just start bad-mouthing him to the rest of their family. And shockingly, a few of his family members actually took his brother’s side and accused him of being a jerk.

Although, he wound up telling all of those family members to clear his brother’s debts to him if they really wanted to share their opinions. And no one ever took him up on that offer, obviously.

His parents have taken his side, thankfully, and believe that he should have never rented the house to his brother in the first place.

Still, though, he just feels bad for his sister-in-law and his brother’s children, who got dragged into the mix.

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