
She Stopped By Her Boyfriend’s House To Grab Something She Forgot, And Then Her Boyfriend’s Dad Lost It On Her As He Accused Her Of Trying To Steal From Them

bnenin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever had a bad interaction with your partner or spouse’s parents that disturbed you?

One woman got yelled at by her boyfriend’s dad after she quickly popped by their house to pick up her medication. 

She’s 21-years-old and has been making plans to move into an apartment with her boyfriend this summer. He currently lives with his parents, so she often has to go to their house to spend time with him. 

Sadly, she’s been having to take painkillers recently due to chronic pain she suffers from. The other night, she accidentally left her medication at her boyfriend’s house after they hung out together.

She needed to get her medication as soon as possible, but she works a totally different schedule from her boyfriend, so she’d have to get it at a time when he wasn’t home. 

So, she texted him that she’d be heading to his house, and he gave her the ‘okay.’

“When I got there, his dad was there, working from home,” she recalled. “I wasn’t expecting this ’cause usually he works at his office.”

Since she had told her boyfriend she was heading over there in advance, she figured his dad would be expecting her.

However, instead of giving her a pleasant greeting, he was furious with her. He told her she couldn’t randomly “pop by” their house to “grab things.”

bnenin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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