
She Used To Work In Luxury Retail, And Her Story About A Customer Just Goes To Show You Never Really Know Who The Richest Person In A Room Is

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TikToker Nabrina (@nabby.nabs) is chronicling an experience she had involving a customer with a disheveled appearance while working in the luxury retail industry, and her story just goes to show that you should never judge a book by its cover.

So Nabrina had worked in retail for about fifteen years. Out of those fifteen years, she spent four to five in high-end luxury.

At the time, she was new to luxury retail. And in luxury retail, salespeople primarily serve regular clients, so they don’t always receive a ton of random foot traffic in the store.

On that day, Nabrina and her colleagues were standing around the store when a man walked in wearing a filthy red sweatsuit.

He had dirt underneath his fingernails and greasy hair. As soon as Nabrina’s colleagues caught sight of the man, they made themselves scarce and disappeared, leaving Nabrina to handle the customer.

Nabrina greeted the man politely, and they ended up having a great conversation. He knew exactly what pieces he wanted to see and was familiar with the brand and their craftsmanship.

As Nabrina guided the man around the store, other customers were openly staring at them with judgment in their eyes.

After going through the bags, he settled on a beautiful, red, solid leather bag and the matching wallet. He also selected some cuff links, a tie clip, a belt, and a couple of other accessories.

The total came out to be a little over $7,000. Nabrina was super stoked because it was a big sale for her.

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