
These People Are Sharing Their Best Pieces Of Advice For Marriage, Because You Know It’s Not Always Smooth Sailing After Saying “I Do”

Don’t Be Afraid To Seek Help

“Counseling is helpful and not just for bad marriages.”


“Therapists can help you avoid accumulating problems and resentments that will become huge issues and give you tools to communicate better and also listen better.”

“And it doesn’t have to be couples therapy. Start with individual therapy, and don’t be afraid to ask for help dealing with things that might look ‘small’– because there is probably something big behind.”


Support Their Interests And Dreams For The Future

“Your spouse is, like you, a human being. They have likes, dislikes, interests, dreams, aspirations, disappointments.”

“Support them in all of those, and remember that you are two individuals held together by love, commitment, and mutual respect. Both of you should maintain your individuality while you are already part of a whole together. Human beings are capable of doing both.”


“Never stop talking about the future. I had a friend tell me about his divorce, and he said one day, they just stopped seeing each other in their futures and stopped talking about it.”

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