
5 Skills Every Couple Needs To Build Together In Order To Have A Healthy And Successful Relationship

If things are still escalating, it is okay to take some time and space to calm down and approach the issue later with a cool head. Then, sleep on it if you need to. What matters is that you respond to the disagreements with openness and willingness to compromise within reason.

Skill #4: Making Time For Connection

This is a callback to the motto: “Date your spouse.” It’s easy to be connected initially, but it becomes much more complicated once the honeymoon phase is gone and life kicks in.

Couples who regularly make time to be connected with each other report more overall satisfaction in their relationships, even if they have regular disagreements. Sit down together and build a plan for regular time to be connected. This can be a date night once a week, blocked off time to do an activity together, or taking an hour and learning a new skill together. Whatever you do – don’t stop dating your partner.

Skill #5: Being Consistent

This one is a challenging skill for anyone to build. It’s easy to start a new habit, but it’s not always so easy to make it a routine part of your life. Like starting a fitness journey or a new diet, consistency in the relationship is just as important as learning other skills.

I would argue consistency is the most challenging skill of all to learn. Consistency is the practice and the trial and error that goes into mastering the other skills. If you aren’t willing to be consistent, then learning the skills will do little to no good for your relationship.

Can you think of any other skills that are important for couples to build together?

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