
He Told His Sister That He’s Not Giving Her The $22,000 She Needs For Weight Loss Surgery, And Now She’s Saying Mean Things About Him To Their Family

Therefore, they decided that the most they could offer Alissa was $5,000. In addition, they’d take care of her pets while she’s in recovery. 

Since they proposed their offer to Alissa, she’s been acting very cold toward him and his wife. Now, she’s going around bad-mouthing both of them, telling people they’re not helping her with a “necessary” procedure.

Alissa also informed their parents of what happened. Soon after, he received a call from them, suggesting that he pull his son out of private school and use the tuition for Alissa’s surgery. 

“My wife immediately turned them down, saying this will disrupt his education and mental health, and we will not be doing this,” he explained. 

Now, everyone in his family is calling him and his wife “greedy snobs.”

Do you think his family is being unreasonable?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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