
Her Grandma Had A Scary Dream About A Dangerous Man Who Actually Appeared On Her Street The Following Day

One night a few weeks later, her grandmother ran into the man who spooked her while she was walking her dog. She ran away but saw him sitting on the sidewalk outside her house the next morning. 

“She watches him like a hawk and then calls police after an hour, telling them that she thought this guy was up to no good,” she recalled.

“Once she sees the police talking to him, she goes back to her normal activities. After half an hour, my grandmother looked out the window, and the guy was gone. He was never seen again. Nothing happened to anyone in town.”

The police never arrested the man that day because he wasn’t trespassing and hadn’t committed a crime.

Nevertheless, her grandmother was happy he was gone. Anyone she told about her dreams thought she was crazy, but they may have protected her from a potentially dangerous situation.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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